They say, a smile is worth a thousand words! A beautiful smile can take away all the pains and show a ray of hope to the desperate soul. The purpose of April Fool's day is to bring smile into our face that seems to have long gone from our lives. Living in a concrete jugle for a long time, our faces have hardened and we have fake smile plastered all over our face. Opening TV sets in the evening and watching all those mindless, 3rd grade jokes have stopped us completely from understanding the real pleasures of life. I am sure, Archna Pooran Singh, Siddhu or for that matter Rahul Mahajan's laugh (although I don't consider it a laugh) repulses you more than bringing a smile to the face. It is all senseless, rubbish garbage that is being laden on us evening after evening. On this auspicious day, I am searching for that soulful, carefree, pleasing smile on everybody's face......
Is it too much to ask for?
you have a nice blog