कानपुर वाया साइबर बाईपास
एल्लो! कनपुरिए जहाँ भी जाते है धमाल मचा ही देते है। यही तो इस शहर की मिट्टी का कमाल है। कानपुर के इस ब्लॉग कानपुरनामा की चर्चा लोकप्रिय हिन्दी दैनिक अखबार हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक मे कवर की गयी है। चर्चाकार हैं हमारे लोकप्रिय,चर्चित ब्लागर साथी रवीशकुमार। रवीशजी ने शायद दैनिक हिन्दुस्तान में ब्लागचर्चा की पारी की शुरुआत की है। और शानदार शुरुआत की है।बड़े मन से लिखे इस लेख में रवीश ने कानपुरनामा के बारे में रोचक अंदाज में लिखा है। कानपुर के बारे में लिखते हुये रवीश कहते हैं-
पूरब का मैनचेस्टर और लखनऊ के पहले का महानगर कानपुर खंडहर में बदलने से पहले की स्थिति में एक बचा-खुचा शहर है। कनपुरिया भले मस्त हो लेकिन वो जानता है कि कानपुर पस्त हो गया है। वो उभरता हुआ नहीं बल्कि कराहता हुआ शहर है। जहां बिजली कम आती है और जनरेटर का धुंआ दिन में ही काले बादलों की छटा बांध देता है। आगे कानपुरकथा बांचते हुये रवीश कहते हैं-
ऐसे उदास शहर में लेखक जिंदादिली के सुराग ढूंढ रहे हैं। वो मोहल्लों और नुक्कडो़ की मस्ती उठाकर शहर को नये रंग में पेंट कर रहे हैं। पता चलता है कानपुर में गुरू शब्द का इस्तेमाल कितने रूपों में होता है। सम्मान और हिकारत दोनों के लिये। जुमलों का शहर है कानपुर।कनपुरिया-किस्से बताते-बताते ब्लागर रवीशकुमार कनपुरियों को छुआते भी चलते भी चलते हैं। ऐसी महीन छुअन की सहा भी न जाये और कहा भी न जाये-
कनपुरिया लिखने में भी लाठी उठा लेते हैं।फ़ायनल-फ़िनिसिंग मौज लेते हुये रवीश लिखते हैं-
कनपुरिया जीतू भाई को कानपुर पर गर्व तो है लेकिन वो कानपुर में नहीं रहना चाहते। बकौल जीतू भाई यहां धूल बहुत है। यही कानपुर की त्रासदी है। बिल्कुल ठग्गू के लड्डू की तरह। होता सच्चा है मगर बेचा जाता है धोखे से लगने वाले नारों से। बंटी बबली के शहर कानपुर में अब ब्लागरों का कब्जा हो रहा है। इस लेख स्वत:स्फ़ूर्त प्रतिक्रिया में कनपुरिया ब्लागर रितू ने जो प्रतिक्रिया दी वह एक कनपुरिया की सहजबयानी है। पढ़कर बेसाख्ता मुंह से निकला -अरे वाह, झाड़े रहो कलट्टरगंज! रितु कहती हैं-
सुबह-सुबह हिन्दुस्तान देखा तो संपादकीय पेज पर कानपुर का नाम दिखाई दिया। आंखे खुल गयीं, नींद दूर भाग गयी। कानपुर का जिक्र कहीं भी आये.... पाजिटिव या नि्गेटिव हम कनपुरियों को हमेशा अच्छा लगता है। कानपुरी ....बगल में छूरी किसी से सुना था ये। और यकीन मानिये बुरा लगने की जगह अच्छा ही लगा। हम तो बेलौस कहते हैं कि हां हम कनपुरिये बड़े खुराफ़ाती होते हैं। सच पूछिये तो कानपुर में ऐसा कुछ फ़क्र करने जैसा है नहीं। और इन्फ़्रास्ट्रक्चर को देखते हुये कानपुर रहने लायक भी नहीं है। और आज से एक साल पहले तक मैं भी उसी भीड़ का हिस्सा थी जो कानपुर में रहकर भी शहर को दबाकर गालियां देते हैं। लेकिन अचानक रेडियो मिर्ची में कापी राइटर बनने के बाद , और खांटी कन्पुरिया शब्दों को ढूंढते कब अपने शहर पर प्यार उमड़ पता ही ब चला। बंटी बबली की खुराफ़ात हो या टशन की हरामीपन्थी , कानपुर तो कान्हैपुर है। फिर कोई कुछो कहत रहे हमका कौनौ फरक नहीं पड़ता। क्यों भइया हम तो पूरे कनपुरिया हैं। और जब आप जैसे बड़े-बड़े लोग कानपुर के बारे में कुछ लिखते हैं तो मौज आ जाती है। दुनिया जहानघूम कर भी अपने शहर का जो आलम है... गजब है। इसीलिये तो कहते हैं हम कि चाहे कल्लो दुनिया टूर, अई गजब है कानपुर।आगे अब आप खुद ही पढ लीजिए ये रहा लिंक (इस लिंक को इन्टरनैट एक्प्लोरर मे खोलने से हिन्दी फोन्ट अपने आप दिख जाएगा, किसी और ब्राउजर से खोलने पर आपको हिन्दी फ़ोन्ट डाउनलोड करना पड़ सकता है।
ब्लॉगवार्ता : कानपुर वाया साइबर बाईपास
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Why am I going through all this? Doing the same things that I hated all my life...the sheer nonsensical rituals and tradition that I always opposed.. I am falling for all those things. Why am I doing this and for whom? Was I born for this day only? To go through the same mental torture which I vowed that I would never let it happen to me..where is that rebel, that revolutionary gone from me? Or have I mellowed down so much that this things have stopped pushing me? Why so? Is it no longer the feeling of self-identity that I nurtured since my childhood? I had never thought that something like this would happen to me...that I would never follow the same beaten, trampled, trodden path of traditions. But see, I am doing the same things and letting all those things happen to me that I always despised. Why? Don't I have the guts to say no? And to be able to stand tall with my head high and bear the burnt of the society norms. I am in dilemma...God! Please show me the light!
I don't want to live like a face among the crowd. I don’t want to die a nameless, aimless death. Nobody...litterally..NOBODY has the right to interfere with my personal and professional growth. As cliché it may sound. but yes freedom is my right and nobody should dare challenge or try to unnecessary step on that line of freedom.
I vow to myself that whatever comes...I will always remain myself. Nobody can change anything that’s mine. Be it my name, my identity, my personal freedom, my professional growth, my interests, my mindset, my values and attitudes. The day I feel stifled, I vow to myself, I will move out. No other option will do because there is no space being left for me to compromise on any situation.
I don't want to live like a face among the crowd. I don’t want to die a nameless, aimless death. Nobody...litterally..NOBODY has the right to interfere with my personal and professional growth. As cliché it may sound. but yes freedom is my right and nobody should dare challenge or try to unnecessary step on that line of freedom.
I vow to myself that whatever comes...I will always remain myself. Nobody can change anything that’s mine. Be it my name, my identity, my personal freedom, my professional growth, my interests, my mindset, my values and attitudes. The day I feel stifled, I vow to myself, I will move out. No other option will do because there is no space being left for me to compromise on any situation.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Music...the sumptuous, lavish banquet for the soul
"Always keep a song in your heart
- it's like karaoke for the
voices in your head."
-Robert Fulton
If music be the food of love, play on
-William Shakespeare ( The Twelfth Night
Singing is a marvelous means of self expression, a great way to relieve stress and tension, and a terrific vehicle for developing self confidence. We are pleased to provide you with helpful tips and techniques from seasoned singers and fellow karaoke enthusiasts to assist you in developing your singing technique as well as your stage presence.
There are two kinds of people in this world:
those who play hopscotch and sing in the shower and those that lie alone at night
with tears in their eyes.
-Becca Woolf (Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II)
A bell is no bell til you ring it.
A song is no song til you sing it.
And love in your heart
Wasn't put there to stay,
Love isn't love til you give it away
-Oscar Hammerstein
now (more near ourselves than we)
is a bird singing in a tree,
who never sings the same thing twice
and still that singing's always his
eyes can feel but ears may see
there never lived a gayer he;
if earth and sky should break in two
he'd make them one (his song's so true)
who sings for us for you for me
for each leaf newer than can be:
and for his own (his love) his dear
he sings till everywhere is here
- it's like karaoke for the
voices in your head."
-Robert Fulton
If music be the food of love, play on
-William Shakespeare ( The Twelfth Night
Singing is a marvelous means of self expression, a great way to relieve stress and tension, and a terrific vehicle for developing self confidence. We are pleased to provide you with helpful tips and techniques from seasoned singers and fellow karaoke enthusiasts to assist you in developing your singing technique as well as your stage presence.
There are two kinds of people in this world:
those who play hopscotch and sing in the shower and those that lie alone at night
with tears in their eyes.
-Becca Woolf (Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II)
A bell is no bell til you ring it.
A song is no song til you sing it.
And love in your heart
Wasn't put there to stay,
Love isn't love til you give it away
-Oscar Hammerstein
now (more near ourselves than we)
is a bird singing in a tree,
who never sings the same thing twice
and still that singing's always his
eyes can feel but ears may see
there never lived a gayer he;
if earth and sky should break in two
he'd make them one (his song's so true)
who sings for us for you for me
for each leaf newer than can be:
and for his own (his love) his dear
he sings till everywhere is here
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Life gives you so many problems to solve! All the problems are not required to be solved...some problems should remain unsolved!
Friday, February 15, 2008
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep;
The more I give to thee
The more I have,
For both are infinite.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
"Life! I know not what thou art"
LIFE! I know not what thou art,
But know that thou and I must part;
And when, or how, or where we met
I own to me's a secret yet.
Life! we've been long together,
Through pleasant and through cloudy weather;
"Tis hard to part when friends are dear—
Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear;
—Then steal away, give little warning,
Choose thine own time;
Say not Good-night—but in some brighter clime
Bid me Good-morning
But know that thou and I must part;
And when, or how, or where we met
I own to me's a secret yet.
Life! we've been long together,
Through pleasant and through cloudy weather;
"Tis hard to part when friends are dear—
Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear;
—Then steal away, give little warning,
Choose thine own time;
Say not Good-night—but in some brighter clime
Bid me Good-morning
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
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